Herbs & Spices, locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, plant-based diet, vegetarian, organic meals

Foods linked to better brainpower – Harvard Health

Just as there is no magic pill to prevent cognitive decline, no single almighty brain food can ensure a sharp brain as you age. Nutritionists emphasize that the most important strategy is to follow a healthy dietary pattern that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Try to get protein from plant sources and fish and chose healthy fats, such as olive oil or canola, rather than saturated fats.


French Retreat, French Retreat 2020, freshly prepared juices, gluten-free, healthy homemade snacks, Herbs & Spices, locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, plant-based diet, Retreat 2020, vegetarian, organic meals, Wellness Retreat 2020

Learn about Nutrition, Nourishing Foods and Healthy Eating from Universal Medicine

Universal Medicine is the pioneer in the field of energetic nutrition, bringing an awareness that lets us make healthy food choices without having to rely on labels or fad diets. Find out why thousands of people are changing the way they feed themselves –

Source: Learn about Nutrition, Nourishing Foods and Healthy Eating from Universal Medicine

locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, Treatments - Healthy Eating, vegetarian, organic meals

Treatments – Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

Healthy, delicious vegetarian, organic meals can be provided using locally grown organic fruit and vegetables on every emotional healing retreat.  Wholemeal foods will be used as well as foods low in saturated fat during your retreat. All meals are based on the principles of good nutrition, health and good taste.

Healthy breakfast

Emotional Healing, locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, Massage Therapy, Mindfulness and Meditation, Parental alienaton retreat

Transition, Real Change and New Beginnings

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to truly start over? So many of us would love to have a fresh start in life – perhaps in a relationship, career or even our finances.

But sometimes, it can be challenging to let go of our history and memories so that we can enter into a new beginning – a new life. Continue reading “Transition, Real Change and New Beginnings”

Art Therapy, Chakra healing, Emotional Healing, gluten-free, Idyllic private setting, locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, Meditation, MIND Diet, Mindfulness and Meditation, Parental alienaton retreat, peace and tranquillity

Conditioned by the Past: Karma and Consciousness

The voice in the head has a life of its own. Most people are at the mercy of that voice; they are possessed by thought, by the mind. And since the mind is conditioned by the past, you are then forced to reenact the past again and again.

The Eastern term for this is karma. When you are identified with that voice, you don’t know this, of course. If you knew it, you would no longer be possessed because you are only truly possessed when you mistake the possessing entity for who you are, that is to say, when you become it.

Continue reading “Conditioned by the Past: Karma and Consciousness”